7-20-4 Cigar Today

Modern Era

  • New Releases: Under Kendall’s leadership, the brand has introduced new cigar lines, including the 7-20-4 Hustler, the 7-20-4 1874 Series, and the 7-20-4 Factory 57. Each line offers unique blends and characteristics.
  • Craftsmanship: The revived 7-20-4 cigars are praised for their craftsmanship and quality, maintaining the legacy of the original brand while appealing to contemporary cigar aficionados.

Product Lines

  1. 7-20-4 Original: The flagship line that features a blend of Nicaraguan, Honduran, Mexican, and Colombian tobaccos with a Brazilian Mata Fina wrapper.
  2. 7-20-4 Hustler: Known for its barber-pole design, this cigar combines a Brazilian Mata Fina wrapper with an Ecuadorian Connecticut wrapper, offering a complex flavor profile.
  3. 7-20-4 1874 Series: Celebrating the brand’s founding year, this series uses Nicaraguan tobaccos and an Ecuadorian wrapper.
  4. 7-20-4 Factory 57: Named after the factory’s original tax number, this line features a mix of Nicaraguan, Honduran, and Colombian tobaccos with a Brazilian Mata Fina wrapper.


  • Accolades: The 7-20-4 cigars have received positive reviews and accolades within the cigar community for their consistent quality and enjoyable smoking experience.
  • Legacy: The brand continues to honor its historical roots while adapting to modern tastes, ensuring its place in the premium cigar market.

The 7-20-4 Cigar brand exemplifies a successful blend of historical legacy and modern innovation, offering a range of high-quality cigars that appeal to both traditionalists and contemporary enthusiasts.